We now live in the content era! The Internet started as a promise for better connectivity but transformed and evolved into the giant source of the content we know today. And by the looks of it, it is going to double down on this tendency in the feature.
It is all about creating and distributing content for internet visitors. Video, Images, Text, and Audio. That’s all there is… The entire digital economy is created, shaped and moved by those 4 elements. Heck, these days even not-so-digital economy is getting online to survive and prosper.
Businesses acting accordingly are showing a serious advantage.
Accepting that content is what makes the internet meaningful, helpful and interesting and strategizing for that is what separates long-term winners from the rest.
The smartest are picking one medium and going deep into it – some bet on video, some on images and nowadays audio seems to be “the next big thing”.
Either way – it’s not about when and if but about what and how. And that’s not all.
The content reality entered our world some time ago. Now it’s a matter of how fast will your content get to the customers. Will they need to wait for it to load. What would be the download or streaming speed.
The good news is that with the evolution of the internet, technologies followed closely.
Nowadays you don’t need to rely on your local hosting company anymore.
Your content could be safely kept anywhere in the world and accessed from the closest to your users’ location.
The way this is achieved is with CDNs – short form Content Delivery networks.
Basically, it is a network of servers – dispersed worldwide at a strategically chosen locations in a way providing the best possible speed for accessing the internet content from any point in the world and in the same time providing enough bandwidth to be accessed from millions of users simultaneously.
Ok, but isn’t it expensive to have servers all over the world?
Yes, it is – if you have to do it for yourself.
But the great thing about the internet is that it is a big thing with many businesses just like you.
So there are enough players ready to pay for such service and use it together.
This is how companies like Universal CDN operate and We create and maintain the infrastructure needed to help great content get to the world!

Moreover, we do it in the most cost-effective way possible – so that content providers could get accessible pricing, good service, and quality support all at once.

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