Why not spend some nice moments away from the every-day stuff, by having some fun with a Christmass tree:)? 

Hint: (Go and awake a Christmass Tree 😉  )

#!/bin/env python
import time
import random
import termcolor
tree = [
    "                                         We                                      ",
    "                                        Wish                                     ",
    "                                     You a Merry                                 ",
    "                                   Christmas and a                               ",
    "                                 happy content! With                             ",
    "                              thousands of funny pictures                        ",
    "                           and great video lengths. Further                      ",
    "                        we wish you new clients, in a fruitful                   ",
    "                       new year...and then for your next summer                  ",
    "                    Buy a yacht and blissfully disappear. Whenever               ",
    "                 better suits you, whenever it is fun, just take away            ",
    "              few minutes from spending time online. Create a distraction,       ",
    "           create at least two...Take at least fraction of time for hullabaloo.  ",
    "          Take  some  pudding, some  turkey  and  scotch,  And sure take care to ",
    "          befriend a few girlies - top-notch! Happy Holidays from Universal CDN! ",
    "                                        XO                                       ",
    "                                        XO                                       ",
    "                                        XO                                       "
def generate_bush():
    for branch in tree:
        color = random.choice(['blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'red'])
        greeting = " Happy Holidays from Universal CDN!"
        if branch.endswith(greeting):
            words = branch.split(greeting)
            termcolor.cprint(words[0], color, end='')
            termcolor.cprint(greeting, 'red', attrs=['bold'], end="")
            termcolor.cprint(branch + "\n", color)
if __name__ == '__main__':